Mental Health Trends

Mental Health is a Priority: 7 Powerful Trends in 2022

TAIMOOR AHMED | July 26th, 2022

You’re not alone if your experience with the year 2022 so far has made you feel like you’ve been put in a washer. The strains of the past several years have forced many people to their breaking points, with stress, anxiety, and depression on the rise. This has invited a lot of interest in the discussion and treatment of mental health problems. When was the last time you discussed your mental health with someone? It wasn’t long ago that you had a serious discussion regarding your mental health, or that of a friend or loved one.

Over the last two years, the effects of the epidemic have pushed people to talk about issues and treatments involving mental health. Because of this people across the world tried to cope with isolation, economic downturns, physical health concerns, and increasing uncertainty. Key dialogues about safeguarding and healing mental health have emerged.

Today we have uncovered seven key mental health trends that are shaping the future. So don’t miss out and keep an eye on them in this year and the years to come.

Trend 1: Trauma-informed care

Trauma-informed care

With over 61 % of people having experienced at least one traumatic incident in their lives. And one in every six individuals having experienced four or more during childhood alone. There is an obvious need for trauma awareness and therapy. Understanding and therapy targeted to the unique experiences of women and minority segments of the population are very crucial as well. as these individuals are at a higher risk of experiencing trauma. A trauma-informed approach is most effective when it identifies and works with the client’s abilities to address and overcome the effects of trauma.

Trend 2: Reduced Stigma around Mental Health Issues


More individuals are stepping out to share their mental health stories, utilizing social media and other public venues to discuss things that were previously deemed taboo. Celebrities, professional sports, and other notable personalities are also honestly participating in the discussion. They openly discussing trauma, despair, anxiety, bipolar disorder, suicidal thoughts, addiction, and mental health therapy.

While big celebrities might assist raise awareness of mental health concerns, the candid admissions of average individuals can be more relevant and hence more likely to draw other people’s attention to mental health. Whatever the starting point, the more common and easy it is to talk about mental health. The more likely individuals will be able to identify mental health problems and seek treatment when necessary.

Trend 3: Social Media Boundaries


If you weren’t pushing the boundaries of social media usage before the epidemic, you probably are now. We’ve all discovered that we’re using our phones more than we use to do. We have developed a raging screen addiction – whether we got caught up in “doom scrolling,” endlessly checking negative news or posts. Or we relied on it for staying connected through lockdowns and activity restrictions. In 2022, discussions on how to step away from our screens, limit our exposure to harmful online interactions, and value our privacy will be an important part of the mental health dialogue.

Trend 4: Holistic Approach to Mental Health


Mental health extends beyond the mind to include your body, relationships, and the world around you. This year will be about recognizing and understanding how everything is related, as well as becoming serious about supporting steps toward general wellness. This holistic approach will shift the emphasis away from linear diagnoses including medications and procedures and toward a more thorough dialogue. That acknowledges the inter-dependence of mental and physical health. This is a significant adjustment that might have a significant influence on how we pay attention to and care for ourselves.

Trend 5: Mental Health Apps


Entrepreneurs have taken note of the fast-expanding interest and attention associated with mental health. Resulting in a massive increase in the availability of mental health applications.


“According to the American Psychological Association, there are presently 10,000-20,000 mental health app’s on the market..”

Because many of them are unregulated, the quality can vary greatly from app to app. And studies are being conducted to determine how helpful they are in linking individuals with mental health assistance. With so many obstacles and potential associated with these new technologies, this year is likely to see a lot of debate about both as development in this sector continues.

Trend 6: Transracial Magnetic Stimulation


Transracial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a mild, non-invasive approach. TMS activating the brain to induce a favorable reaction to a variety of mental health disorders that is becoming increasingly popular in the cure of treatment-resistant depression.

TMS has shown promising results in the treatment of:

  • Depression
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Bipolar disorder &
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder in recent years.

As the prevalence of depression continues to climb, TMS is expected to become a more common kind of treatment. Particularly for people who aren’t experiencing improvement with typical drug choices.

Trend 7: Mainstreaming Mental Health at Work


During the epidemic, workers’ mental health has been more visible than ever, as they battle through lengthy days on Zoom, working from home while juggling family duties, or needing to go into a workplace where they may be exposed to Covid. To reduce burnout and attrition, many organizations have begun to change policies to be more accommodating of mental health requirements. In order to promote healthy mental health habits among its employees, companies may give “mental health days,” Zoom-free days, counseling or other mental health resources, access to exercise centers, or other benefits or services.


We’ll continue to share the latest research, technologies, therapies, and resources that we believe will revolutionize how we approach our mental wellness.

In the meantime, we wish you a happy, healthy, and safe new year and hope you’re able to take good care of yourself in 2022.

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