Weight loss trends

How People Make the Most of Their Top 6, Weight Loss Trends In 2022 Successful

TAIMOOR AHMED | July 7th, 2022

Health nutritionists and coaches are advising in their blogs, publications, and social media posts about various weight loss trends, but despite having specific goals and preparing ourselves for a real transformation, we seem to have been distracted!

Social media and food bloggers have had an impact on how we live our lives. Hashtags like #Foodislove #Foodie #Foodisabae are sweeping over the internet, causing us to abandon our New Year’s resolutions of eating well, exercising frequently, and avoiding overdoses. But, as the expression goes, it is better to be late than never. We still can manage our eating habits and lifestyle because having a healthy weight is crucial for a healthy and fit life. 

Top 6, Weight-loss trends in 2022

Your weight loss journey must begin with venturing outside of your comfort zone, discovering inspiration, and taking the first step. Before taking the leap, it is essential to choose the right path to take, that is in the best interest of your health, as well as to incorporate proper nutrition.

Weight Loss Trends
Weight loss comparison from FAT to FIT

Here are the top 6, weight loss trends for 2022 to keep you on track:

Weight Loss Trends # 1: Intermittent Fasting

All types of fasting are thought to be helpful. Several studies have indicated that it can assist in cleansing the body from toxins while reducing weight at the same time.

Intermittent fasting has grown in popularity over the last few decades. It adheres to a practice of restricted eating as well as taking fewer calories, resulting in weight loss. The 16/8 diet is a popular diet plan in which you have an 8-hour window to eat everything you want. You must then fast for 16 hours straight, according to your schedule and convenience.

Intermittent fasting has a number of advantages if done appropriately. However, careful eating is essential, which means avoiding fried, packaged, and processed meals. Additionally, you should ask your doctor to determine which intermittent pattern is best for you based on your body type, BMI, and other medical concerns. The proper approach to fast intermittently is important since your body might lose muscle mass as well as fat, which can be hazardous in the long run if not done right.

Weight Loss Trends # 2: Ketogenic Diet

When we talk about weight loss, we must mention the benefits caused by the ketogenic diet! Initially, this diet was developed in hospitals to cure diseases, but since then it has become a helpful tool for weight loss. The idea is to cut back on carbs. In reality, you must substitute carbohydrate calories with fat calories. Water weight will be reduced initially, but following consistent practice, you will lose fat!

However, there are several limits to the diet. Adopting a keto diet means saying goodbye to carbohydrates for good! Furthermore, avoiding carbs in an Indian family might be quite difficult. Being a vegetarian complicates matters even further. In such instances, a ketogenic diet should never be attempted since it might gradually deprive you of crucial nutrients and potentially hurt you rather than help you lose weight.

Weight Loss Trends # 3: Plant-Based Products

In the current era of vegan and vegetarian preferences, a plant-based diet is a relatively recent phenomenon. Plant-based meals supply all of the nutrients you need while assisting you in losing weight. Including fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes in your diet will considerably help in weight loss.

When consuming these foods, moderation is essential. Plant-Based Supplements are also another new product category on the market. However, it is critical to remember that they are merely supplementary ingredients and cannot be used as the sole source of nourishment or weight reduction.

Weight Loss Trends # 4: Meal Replacement Shakes

It might be difficult to eat nutritious meals on time and take care of ourselves in our fast-paced life. Various marketers capitalize on this opportunity by selling ready-to-eat meals or supplements that claim to be able to substitute for regular eating. Weight loss shakes are an obvious illustration of this trend. They are easily accessible and are regarded as a rich source of nutrition and energy.

In contrast, substituting them with a natural diet and eating them exclusively for weight reduction will have negative health consequences. They are usually rich in sugar, oils, and artificial taste enhancers. These shakes may include synthetic nutrients and none of them are obtained organically. As a result, they are unsuitable for both a regular diet and weight loss.

Weight Loss Trends # 5: Home Workouts

Working out/Exercise is equally important as eating the right foods. Since the pandemic, not just the WFH(work from home) idea,  but also home workouts, have emerged as game-changers for many people.

People are exploring numerous methods to sweat out, such as lifting weights, dancing, Zumba, Cardio, or yoga sessions. As a result, many began to construct home gyms or training areas. The ability to exercise at home while adhering to social distancing guidelines might be a great substitute for going to the gym. It activates every muscle in your body, requiring more energy to recuperate.

You lose more weight as a result. It is essential to perform workouts correctly and in moderation since excessive activity can lead to weight gain. Strength training is still recommended for weight loss. Cardiovascular and strength exercises, in particular, can damage your health. It is better to take advice from a certified health and fitness coach to achieve promising results and avoid any injury.

Weight Loss Trends # 6: Products with Low Fat

Low-fat diets and products can be good for weight reduction, but they should be used with caution! The reason for this is that low-fat diets might significantly affect your vitamin consumption. Certain vitamins are fat-soluble, thus consuming dietary fat is essential for maximum absorption.

We aim to ingest healthy fat while avoiding harmful foods, fried meals, and packaged items. Even the inclination toward “low-fat meals,” such as salad dressings and curd, should be minimized because they are rich in sugar and/or poor in nutritious content.

Furthermore, eliminating harmful fats such as saturated and Tran’s fats and replacing them with olive oil and flaxseed oil in our cooking, as well as avocado, coconuts, nuts, and seeds in our diet, will aid in the consumption of good fats.


Although losing weight can be very difficult, it can also bring you long-lasting rewards. It involves eating nutritious, balanced, and mindful eating as well as maintaining a workout regimen. and strictly requires consulting with your dietician prior to following any type of diet plan. It is indeed essential that you are consistent to achieve the goal of changing yourself for the better and properly shedding those extra ounces!

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